Saturday, January 18, 2020

My ideal

It's 10:56pm. Tonight I want to speak of the ideal. Personally, I find my ideal to be in a world where I am alone. An island where I can need no one. A perfect place where I look upon nobody, and find myself completely isolated from humanity. It's a cabin in the woods, with the only means of civilization a few miles away. It's where at 4 in the morning I would step outside to listen to the creatures slither, and croak away, smelling the pine wood, and feeling the moon's glow on my skin. A solitary place with no other traveler would think to dive into. I know it is not real, I know I will have to fight tooth and nail for it to become a reality, which is something I'm willing to do. I want to finally have a place that I will be able to rest my eyes, regardless of the things I might have to do or choices I have to make the next day. To be at peace, with things in terms of what may happen, if my heart decides to no longer beat, or my lungs no longer decide to breathe, to let my bones finally ease, to let my hands sleep, my blood begin to cold. If you share this with me, then we are alike in  a way, and I hope these words ease your anxiety as they do mine.

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