Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween hunger

It's 4:04am. Today is Halloween. It's a nice time, the trees begin to shed, the wind outside begins to blow cold, there's pumpkins and warm lattes that begin to emerge as if slumbering from an eternal winter. Now, it's also time to wear someone's skin, to become someone else for a night. To be completely different. To flail around as someone else, to embrace the warmness of someone's flesh and bone. It's a mask you see, from all around us we can be infinitely different, from who we are, and I think it's quite a nice tactic for people to finally be something they've always wanted to be, whether it be someone beautiful, or something sinister. Maybe that is the reason we so much enjoy this holiday, because for a night we can become something different, than who we are. This time, Halloween, it always puts me in a mood. To see movies, but it gives me something of a thirst for gore, the gore you see in movies. It's unquenchable, this thirst but nonetheless I always get it in Halloween, I will try to delve into the predictable cliches of modern cinema, but it's always there and it's never enough. Someday maybe, maybe one Halloween...

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