Monday, June 22, 2020


It's 6:07am. Today I have a certain pressure, like a weight that weighs upon my soul. I think many people feel this way, that they have something holding them back from being something great, but maybe this weight is what keeps them from ascending. What if, instead of it holding them down, it's keeping them grounded? Grounded to reality that they will not be anything more than the average? There's this fear of being this average person, someone who pays their bills on time, and doesn't have enough lavish money to spend on things that are arbitrary. Sure being average is great, but to someone who comes from poverty, there's not really any other option other than to succeed. Success in any single form of reality, because average simply doesn't cut it. Average gets you another old house you can't pay for, average gets you another number in the cosmos, average gets you another life in the infinitude of the universe. To be something great though, means something, it means difference, it means success, it means you are something different, so be different, be unique.

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