Wednesday, July 31, 2019


It's 3:57am. I was scrolling through instagram, as I usually do about 50 times a day, and I came across a person in a picture that radiated beauty and glamour. I was in love. Then I saw the likes, or notes or whatever the fuck it's called. It was over 4 thousand. I always think these people are somehow inhuman when they reach stardom, the days that made them ascend from normal human status is forever gone, and now they always have a prevalent superiority to others. It's ridiculous to believe that these humans, are something other than arbitrary mounds of flesh walking around in heat, sweating, burping, eating. Yet it is all true, they too shall know the sting of death. Light will fade from their eyes. In that regard, should we feel like we should appeal to these mounds of flesh, and bow before them, as they flaunt their whims and money around themselves to show people like us that they are in fact, superhuman. Reject this notion of superiority, because for how much money, power, influence they have, they will always have to eat, sleep, shit and live. I also see them have these donation boxes, for them to be paid by their slaves. Slaves that will orgasm at the sound of their words being spoken or acknowledged by the mound of flesh. Truly, we are a simplistic and idiotic society. Suckling at the tit of the mound for a moment of freedom from the loneliness. Where do we go when they are no longer near us? Forget the people, forget the mound, and fuck society.

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