Friday, July 26, 2019


It's 4:16am. I see how others end up in each other's arms. It's strange to me, that time brings people closer and closer so much that they want to end up holding each other. I would not like that, I mean I would like that. Let me rephrase, I constantly struggle with what I want, and what I know I can get. To me, finding a significant other sounds nice, and comforting. But I know that I cannot fully cope with a significant relationship, it would be much too hard to maintain. I know, because even with all the love that this person may have for me, I know that it too may fade, and should have never been initiated in the first place. It's painful, to me to feel things, because I know the end. In the end, I will die alone, alone in a sense that I am fulfilled. Alone for every single moment that I spent around family, friends, and all the in between. When I do find that solace, when I truly find out where I am and who the person I look at the mirror really is, is when I can finally rest because the person I will ever truly love wholeheartedly and completely will be myself.

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