Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Reviewing Martyrs

 It's 9:48pm, I finished watching Martyrs a few days ago, so I'll try and recall the interesting points and what I really liked etc. In the earlier parts of the movie, you're introduced to two main characters. One that is plagued by an immense amount of trauma, and another who is her supportive friend trying to help her make sense of her situation. It begins with the traumatized individual murdering a family which really makes it out to be a very intense introduction to the movie. I found it very jarring to go from one point to the next, but it works very well. It works so well because it really translates the dramatic shift into real life. One day, you could be the happiest you've ever been, have a nice coffee or enjoying a good book, and then poof you get a call telling you someone you know has died tragically in a motorcycle accident. It's very real, because this family is so normal they have such normal things that happen in a regular every day suburban family. It turns out, that they harbor a dark secret. This family has a basement where they torture young women to elicit a martyr or someone who is tortured so relentlessly until they have a transcendent experience and are able to see into heaven, or hell? I'm not exactly sure. Before that, the traumatized woman who murdered the family, apparently has a demon which is a depiction of trauma, a lingering infection of what was. I think it was really good the way they added that into it, it felt placed correctly because it in fact made sense that someone who's ordeals were so intense they would create a delusion that would in a way remind them of the trauma they went through. It does make sense the woman ends up committing suicide in the movie. The issue I have was in the way they made it to be a little too gruesome as if it was a way to make the viewer feel uneasy or provoke the viewer to a feeling of disgust. In the later parts of the film I kind of got a little confused as to why I should even feel disgusted at what they torture the other supporting character with. It was food and the senseless beatings that confused me. I might've missed the point in whether or not it should've been in the movie at all. Why not torture the woman in an even more cruel way? I couldn't understand it. It felt very forced. Also there was another tortured lady who had no place in being in the movie, because she ends up being killed midway as well, kind of a cheap way of trying to force more gruesome images in the movie. It seemed like a waste of runtime to show someone who didn't want to be helped, and ended up dying senselessly. There were some plot holes as well, why didn't the supporting character just use the vehicle she came in with, to take the woman to the hospital? It made little sense. In all the movie was enjoyable but I can understand very well why some reviewers call it 'Torture porn' at times it feels like it wasn't thought out very well in the plot, some unneeded violence, but some scenes were well made, the makeup artists did a really good job in showing the gruesomeness of the scenes. 

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