Friday, March 8, 2019


It's 3:29am. It's a well known fact that our society is enamored by the feeling of love. We love each other. Infinite, and unbreakable. Love specifically for another person. It's a love that people share so immensely that it is almost unbearable for one person to bear. For someone such as I, I feel so much less. I watched a movie, "the notebook". In it, these two found themselves so in love with one another it was incredibly amazing to see such an emotion take control of their lives to that extent. It's quite interesting to see it from afar. I do feel alien to it, almost immune I feel. Not jealous at all though. It's definitely strange, to believe one so distant, to be so foreign. I'm curious, as to what these people feel so invested into it. Maybe it is a movie among the many that make it seem as if love is a much bigger thing than it really is. If that is the case, then I disagree that they should discontinue making movies about it, because it's such a wondrous and imaginative take on a much blander emotion. More I say, to take us to a place in which it blooms our dreams into fantasies of grand sunshine! Take the me, such fake love! Move our hearts with the mask that we have stitched so well together!

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