Monday, November 27, 2023


 It is currently 4:58AM. It pains me at times to say these things, like I don't want to believe them. Most of the times that I write, I put my entirety of my being in my words, and I know that these sayings and musing will go over people's heads. They will go on to another bite of their sandwich, they will continue on to their lives of mediocrity, but I hope that one day they will resonate meaning within a singular person who thinks back, to my sayings, and thinks.. that guy had an interesting idea. I just finished watching a movie called love and other drugs. 

It's strange to feel such warmth with such movies, I am an undying romantic. I love seeing love in it's most pg rated form. Even though this movie was filled with sex and nudity it didn't detract from the subtlety of romantic gestures that is what accompanies love. I always find it incredible that I am able to feel anything at all with movies, as I know they are pure fiction and imagination, a complete concoction of puppetry trying to mimic humanity in fantasy. To this I find such beauty and treasure, for one such as I cannot truly fathom pleasantries from benign designs. I am sad though, for I know forever I am entombed in a prison of my own making, of my own being, to be eternally alone. There is comfort in solitude though, as much as I wail in agony, there is no purest form of freedom that comes with solitude, no inward completeness that can ever be achieved with having another human being so close. To many, that feeling isn't enough for them it's not enough for them to fill their cavern of emptiness, so they cling to others like parasites, and burden their lives again and again. Not I! I scream. NOT I! As I shiver in my prison of chains. Not I.

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