Sunday, March 7, 2021


 It's currently 5:07am. Tonight or I should say, this morning I feel bored again. I have a boredom that precedes my future possibilities. It's strange to be here, once again. Once we have obtained our goals, where does one go? I keep pondering this, for if one finally achieves their greatest desire, then what more to life, can there be? What if, for one it is not to be a millionaire, or to find true love, or to be famous but what if it were to be able to wake up in the morning, and say "yes, I want to go to work". What drives people? The more I live, the less love I tend to feel, I'm protruding sensations of apathy in my everyday life, it surprises me that people around me do not see it flooding out of me. Oh how I see them with glimmers of hope in their eyes, how I envy that feeling. Who are we, but nobodies willing to pretend everyday like one has meaning. It never leaves, this feeling of seclusion, this feeling that I will never be completely human, it blinds me this shimmering loneliness, at times it feels unbearable. Unbearable that I could never truly connect, that I can never truly empathize, what is one life in a sea of souls, though? Reality is, one may never mean a damn thing, and THAT scares me.

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