Wednesday, January 16, 2019

First of a past time

Right now it's 9:41 pm. I'm sitting here, thinking about all the opportunities that I have lost. The times when I could've done something. Times where I could have made something happen for myself, or when if I had pushed myself a little harder I would've made a difference in my life. To think, that life can deal us so many paths, it's a bit hard to fathom. Someone who could've made me a better or worse person. A choice that I could've made that might have made me different. I turn to you, people of night, people of day how does one make these moves so frivolously? To make one's life decisions on a whim of a breeze? Such courage do they have, such vigor and unseen fright they display! Reminds me of how much I hold dear my fear. To not say in a sense that I am superior or better than those who do, to condemn such a different being, would be like a crocodile defiling the status of an alligator, different yes, but ultimately similar. Make what you will, these people may not be the same as we, for they know things and see with their minds not hearts, but even if they did we know they beat to a different rhythm as we do. So clasp your own hands together and observe these animals from afar, for you know you are not one of them. I think a time will come when we can say we aren't going to tell anyone anything and simply fade, that is when we know we will have made it.

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